6 Bad Habits All Parents Should Drop

I was happy to contribute to this article on bad habits parents should drop.  I had cell phones on my mind--and getting them under control is absolutely important--but I love the points the other 5 contributors make, as well.  Probably one will resonate more than the others as being especially hard for you.  Focus on that one and consider what kind of plan you can come up for yourself.  Sometimes a plan can be as simple as a one sentence shift in how you respond to things.  Sometimes a plan needs outside help.  Take the tip on rushing, for example.  If organization is something you struggle with, find a friend who is really  good at it and as for some tips.  

Don't let yourself get overwhelmed.  Small changes are lasting changes, but they can make a big difference over time.  For example, even if you only have one night a week designated for no electronics, that is one night a week your family will feel your focus and dedication.  

Click HERE to read the 6 habits Parents should drop in this guest article by Julia Hammond.