60-Minutes Coaching Session

60-Minutes Coaching Session

Sale Price:$97.00 Original Price:$250.00

This session can been done by phone or via zoom.

To make the session more efficient, I will send you a questionnaire identifying your core parenting concerns as well as your general parenting philosophy. This will allow me to tailor my information to your family.

You get to decide if we dive in deep on a single topic or blast through a number of parenting questions that have been niggling at you.

We can get a lot done in an hour, so don’t miss this opportunity!

People use the coaching hour for topics like

How do I get the kids out the door without pulling my hair out?

How do I get my kids to go to bed easily and stay there?

•I’m worried about my child transitioning. How do I support her?

•Should I let my child go to a sleepover?•

How do I get my kids to do something the first time I asked them to do it?

•How do my parenting partner and I agree what my child’s punishment should be?

My child is bullying other kids at school. What should I do?

How do I survive the holiday season without all the drama?

Whatever your issue, we can make great in-roads in just one session!

I can’t wait for our session!


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