Friendship 101

Friendship 101


Does your child struggle to make friends?

Or are they frequently in disagreements with their friends?

One crucial aspect of the adolescent journey is building and maintaining meaningful friendships. Join us for an informative webinar that will provide you with the tools and strategies you need to support your child's social development.

During this webinar, we will discuss common challenges that children face when making friends and explore effective ways to overcome these obstacles.

Key Topics to Be Covered:

  • Understanding the unique social development of elementary and middle schoolers.

  • Your role as a parent in nurturing healthy friendships.

  • Practical tips for encouraging social skills and empathy.

  • Addressing common challenges and concerns in friendship-building.

Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to learn how to help your child make and keep friends.

This webinar is the second class in the Parenting Academy Tool Box. The first was “Building the Bridge: Home to School” which can be accessed HERE.

Stay tuned for more!

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