The Joyful Moms Support Group--6 visit package.

The Joyful Moms Support Group--6 visit package.


Moms used to swap parenting advice over the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and a midmorning treat. The world just doesn’t work that way anymore.

We can’t meet in person, but we can meet.

Once a month, grab your cup of coffee and pull up a seat at the table. We’re here to listen, to empathize, to laugh with you and to confirm that you are a good mom—always learning and growing.

Groups are limited to 6 people per group. Groups are formed as people signed up with awareness of kids’ ages and stages. As each group forms, we’ll send a survey for the ultimate time.

Questions? Call or text Elisabeth at 650.248.8916.

Elisabeth will be there to bring her expertise and coach parents on the spot with their permission.

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Boy, can parenting be lonely! It is one of the things that makes parenting so much harder today than it used to be. Well, here’s a little support, moms!