The Joyful Moms Support Group--INTEREST SHEET

The Joyful Moms Support Group--INTEREST SHEET




You expected the dirty diapers and the sleepless nights.  You even expected the terrible two’s. 

You imagined you could handle a few tears and that love would see you through.

But you never expected to get triggered so fast.  All that yelling!

You never imagined feeling like a complete fool with no idea of what step to take next.

And to top it all off, I bet you think you’re the only mom in your circle feeling this way.

Nope. I promise you that is not true. I hear from moms all the time.

They’re feeling guilty and overwhelmed, too.

And no wonder.

Moms used to swap parenting advice over the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and a midmorning treat. They had trusted comrades in arms. The comfort of a friendly neighbor or loving relative helped moms regulate themselves and recharge so they could meet their kids with renewed patience and confidence.

The world just doesn’t work that way anymore.

We can’t meet in person, but we can meet.

Once a month, grab your cup of coffee and pull up a seat at the table. We’re here to listen, to empathize, to laugh with you and to confirm that you are a good mom—always learning and growing.

Groups are limited to just six moms per group. We’ll take the time to get to know each other as people. We’ll agree to respect and confidentiality so that each group is a place where you can share freely. People who are not affirming and positive will be asked to leave. This is a safe space.

Groups are formed as people signed up with awareness of kids’ ages and stages. As each group forms, we’ll send a survey for the ultimate time.

When you have filled out your interest sheet, Elisabeth will contact you for a Getting to Know You call, so she can find the right group for you.

Questions? Call or text Elisabeth at 650.248.8916.

Elisabeth will be there to bring her expertise and coach parents on the spot with their permission.

Yes, Find a Group for Me, Please!

Why with Elisabeth Stitt?

In twenty-five years of teaching, I taught Kindergarteners through 12th Graders (but most of my years were spent during the challenging middle school years).  Close to 3000 student contacts later, I have a sample size that is bigger than most scientific studies.  That really means I have seen it all.  All kinds of kids, all kinds of families.  I can say what worked for the vast majority of families—and I still have a deep bag of tools for those challenging outlying kids. My own kids are grown and flown, happy young adults pursuing meaningful careers. Things might seem hard now, but with support from me and from your fellow group members, life will get much easier, so you can fully enjoy your kids.

I bring a great deal of warmth, wisdom and fun to my groups and that sets the tone for everyone to relax—and at least for the hour—to feel the burdens of motherhood lighten. I 100% believe that parenting can be joyful!