Recorded Webinars

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2024 Webinars

Getting on the Same Parenting Page

Learn how to harmonize your parenting approach with your parenting partner!

This enlightening webinar with relationship coach Nancy Landrum will guide you through the significance of being on the same parenting page for the well-being of your children and the strength of your relationship.

You will learn:

•how being on the same parenting page supports your kids in thriving

•how undermining each other’s authority with your children breaks trust and creates insecurity in your children

•how parenting with the end in mind helps parents stay focused on what’s important long term rather than reacting in the moment

Don't miss this opportunity to strengthen your partnership and provide the best possible foundation for your family's growth!

7 Critical Career Skills they do not teach in school

A conversation with father-daughter team Minesh and Macy Baxi. In an era where the workplace is evolving rapidly, traditional education often falls short in preparing emerging adults for the demands of modern careers.

This webinar revolves around the key insights from the soon-to-be-released book, "7 Critical Career Skills They Do Not Teach In School" by Minesh and Macy Baxi.

Children, while good at memorization and exams, lack awareness of how to adapt to today's world and how to be successful in fulfilling careers.

They require essential adult skills like:

• self-awareness

• having a winning mindset

• resourcefulness

As well as real-world career skills such as:

• networking

• selling

• leadership

• money management

Join us to learn how to bridge these gaps in your child's education and help prepare them for success in today's professional world!

Mysteries of the Deep, Dark Wed

Discover the hidden dangers lurking in the depths of the internet. We will shed light on critical insights every parent should know. Led by expert attorney Gianni Dell'Aiuto, this session will arm you with the essential knowledge to protect your children and family in today's digital landscape.

With our new online life comes new behaviors, learn how to navigate these unknown waters and keep your loved ones safe. With a focus on digital trust, privacy, and data protection, this webinar will equip you with practical strategies to safeguard your family's online presence.

December 2023 Webinars

Your Best Winter Break Ever

Let’s face it, the holiday season can be stressful! There is so much pressure tied to unrealistic expectations we set on ourselves to create holiday magic even if we don’t have the time or money to celebrate in the way we had imagined.

Erase those expectations and make a plan with your kids to have a memorable and joyful break without the stress.

With planning, you can avoid the constant arguing to get up, get dressed, get off their electronics, and have the best winter break with happy kids engaged in activities they are excited about.

I’ll teach you:

• How to support your kids in what they want to do without infringing on your parenting rules.

• How to set up realistic expectations together that match your family values.

• Problem-solving techniques that can be used in advance to avoid arguments and yelling when something unanticipated comes up.

How to have the talk about teen suicide

As parents, guardians, and mentors, understanding how to approach this sensitive subject is vital for fostering open communication and creating a supportive environment for our teens. In this live session, we will be joined by the director of the Teen Suicide Prevention Society, Jackie Simmons. She will provide invaluable insights, practical tips, and resources to guide you through this challenging but necessary conversation.

Managing technology during the holidays

Join our webinar where Sheryl Gould, a seasoned parent coach and educator, will share practical insights and strategies for managing your child's technology time during the holiday season.

We will discuss: 

• How to Balance Screen Time with Family Time

• How to Encourage Open Communication Around Technology Where Your Middle Schooler Will Talk To You

• How To Set Clear Expectations and Limits that Work

• How To Have Fun During The Holidays and Encourage Family Fun Technology-Free Activities

Discover a winter break filled with joy, connection, and memorable moments by incorporating the invaluable tips and guidance shared in this webinar.

October/November 2023 Webinars

Unlocking the Middle Schooler’s Mind: Understanding Executive Function and Emotional Regulation

Are you a parent of a tween, caught in the whirlwind of middle school?

It's a phase that often leaves you with more questions than answers, but fear not! Our upcoming webinar with Occupational Therapist and Executive Function Coach Robyn Laub will be your ultimate guide to understanding and thriving during these crucial years.

We discuss:

• What is happening in the Middle School Brain?

• What is Executive Function and how does it impact Middle Schoolers?

• How do emotions affect Executive Function?

• How can I support my child during this time in their life?

Friendship 101

Does your child struggle to make friends?

Or are they frequently in disagreements with their friends?

One crucial aspect of the adolescent journey is building and maintaining meaningful friendships. Join us for an informative webinar that will provide you with the tools and strategies you need to support your child's social development.

During this webinar, we will discuss common challenges that children face when making friends and explore effective ways to overcome these obstacles.

Key Topics to Be Covered:

• Understanding the unique social development of elementary and middle schoolers.

• Your role as a parent in nurturing healthy friendships.

• Practical tips for encouraging social skills and empathy.

• Addressing common challenges and concerns in friendship-building.

Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to learn how to help your child make and keep friends.

September 2023 Recorded replays

Managing Your Child’s Challenging Behaviors

Discover proven strategies for managing your child's challenging behaviors with confidence!

Are you facing difficulties in handling your child's challenging behaviors?

Struggling to maintain a peaceful and harmonious household? Seeking effective techniques to navigate straight-up defiance?

Join our exclusive webinar with Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker Thomas Miller who will give us strategies for managing your child's challenging behaviors.

In this talk we will discuss:

• Proven strategies to address and diffuse challenging behaviors

• Insights into the underlying causes of your child's actions

• Practical tips for fostering open communication and understanding

• Don't miss out on this opportunity to create a more joyful and cooperative family dynamic.

Building the Bridge: Home to school

When you build a peaceful bridge between a child’s home and school you can increase family involvement, empower your student and improve your child’s school performance.

Don’t wait for report cards to see how your child is doing. Instead, do regular check in’s with your kids to ensure that they are S.A.F.E.:





Parents, teachers, and children are all on the same team and can work together to support each other.

Come learn how to talk so your child’s teacher will listen and listen so the teacher will talk.

Why Middle School is the Perfect time to Learn Study Skills

Is your tween prepared for the learning journey ahead? 

The key to successful education lies in mastering effective study skills, and there's no better time to start than during middle school. It's never too late to learn, but those who grasp study skills early reap the most rewards.

Studies show that studying is synonymous with learning. Without study skills, students struggle to absorb and retain information effectively. This webinar dives deep into why middle school is the perfect stage for your child to learn the art of studying.

By equipping your child with study skills during middle school, you're giving them at least a year to personalize their learning approach before entering high school. Imagine the confidence they'll have on day one, armed not only with a new school building and classmates but also with the crucial ability to keep up with the fast-paced, challenging curriculum.

Don't let your child struggle through high school and beyond. Empower them with study skills now that will last a lifetime!

Balancing it All as Parents

Are you struggling to figure out how to balance family and work life?

There is a way to feel like you are succeeding at work AND having meaningful family time at home.

In this webinar, Elisabeth will share 6 practical steps to achieve work-life balance.

You'll learn how to

Prioritize your time effectively

Share the mental load

Set clear expectations and rituals

Create structure with routines

Manage your energy levels

Take care of yourself

By the end of the webinar, you'll have a clear understanding of how to achieve a healthy balance between your work and personal life.

August 2023 Recorded Replays

When to Worry About Your Child’s Worries

As a parent, it's natural to be concerned about your child's worries and anxiety. While occasional worries are a normal part of life, there are certain signs that may indicate a need for further attention or evaluation.

All children worry, but for some, worries are so big that they affect children’s ability to function in school and social relationships.

This talk discusses:

• Common elements of anxiety disorders

• Several different anxiety disorders that are frequently diagnosed in children and teens

• How caregivers can support students without inadvertently maintaining anxiety


July 2023 Recorded Replays

Effective Consequences

If you are doing everything right as a parent, you will have very little need for consequences.

No matter how hard you try, however, some kids just have to test boundaries in order to really learn limits for themselves. So, when reason and understanding don’t work—and the natural consequence is too grave for a parent not to step in—, it is time for a parent to come up with a logical consequence.

Effective consequences do not play the shame and blame game. They require the child to make amends and to use critical thinking for what is going to help them make a better choice next time. The best consequences are announced ahead of time, so let’s put our heads together and find the consequence that is going to work for your child.

Healthy Habits for Middle Schoolers: Insights from a Nutritionist

Join Registered Dietitian Jason Levee as he shares tips on how to help your middle schooler develop healthy eating habits. This webinar is designed to provide parents with the tools and knowledge they need to help their tweens make healthy food choices.

Learn what types of food are crucial for tweens/teens as their bodies grow as well as ways to practice mindful eating, what is okay to let go, and how you can get your tween involved in the meal planning process.

Most importantly Levee will teach us how to take the stress out of meal times and restore the dinner table as a place for connection and memory-making.

How to use your voice, body and imagination to get your little kids to listen

(for parents of kids ages 2-10)

If you’re here because your kids’ not listening is driving you crazy, fear not. From my deep bag of tricks for getting kids’ cooperation, in this webinar we’ll focus on 3 of my favorite, most-successful approaches.

If you use even one of them, you’ll see improvement. If you use all 3, you’ll find the times your kids aren’t listening to you are the exception, not the rule:


•Engaging kids’ imaginations

•The S-U-S-T-A-I-N-E-D C-O-N-N-E-C-T (the silver bullet if ever there was one!)

I promise you will feel more empowered at the end of the hour with tips you can use today, so bring your questions and let’s get started!

June 2023 Recorded Replays

Making Mealtimes Magical: Expert Tips for Stress-free Dining with Little kids

Feeding a young family can be stressful and demanding. Add a picky eater and meal time can be extremely arduous!

Join Jason Levee a Registered Dietitian who is the founder of Whole Family Health, a nutrition counseling private practice where he helps the whole family take the stress out of meal times and restore the dinner table as a place for connection and memory making.

Levee will teach expert tips for stress-free dining with little kids. You will learn techniques to make mealtime enjoyable for both you and your children, including ways to encourage healthy eating habits and manage behavior.

Preventing Drug Addiction & Overdose

Kriya Lendzion is one of the nation’s leading youth addiction and prevention specialists. She has been a school counselor, adolescent therapist, and drug and alcohol educator for over two decades. As a parent coach, speaker, and author, Kriya empowers adults to be “teen whisperers” with the youth in their lives, in order to help them be addiction-resistant in an increasingly risky and addictive world.

In this webinar you will learn:

• The escalated risks of the substance of abuse trending among teens

• How parents can maintain an impactful open dialogue about these risks with their kids

• Establishing boundaries and expectations that foster mutual trust with our teens

• Responding to discovered use in ways that inspire wiser choices

• Identifying and responding to problem use

Natural Consequences VS. Logical Consequences

Sometimes your tween is going to do things you don't like.

The consequence, or what happens right after your child's behavior, can make the behavior more or less likely to happen again.

Parents ask me about consequences all the time. Although we want to do everything we can to avoid the need for consequences, consequences do not have to have a negative association.

The goal of giving consequences is to teach a lesson that leads the child to make positive choices. If set up correctly, consequences can be learning experiences not cause for anger and resentment.

I'll show you the difference between natural consequences and logical consequences and when to use them both to help your tween learn and succeed.

May 2023 Recorded Replays

The best summer ever Webinar

Get the tips and strategies you need for creating Your Best Summer Ever with your kids of any age.

With advance planning, you can avoid the constant arguing to get up, get dressed, get off their electronics, and have a summer of happy kids engaged in activities they are excited about.

You’ll learn how to

• Create a joint vision so everyone’s on board

• Create order out of chaos with a family calendar visual that tracks it all

• Establish summer rules and expectations for happy, harmonious days

• Have family meetings so everyone has a voice

Supporting Your Sensitive, Emotional, Intense, and Anxious Middle Schooler

Melissa Schwartz was born an intense, sensitive, empathic, power seeker. She is a respected expert in the field of Highly Sensitive Children and brings clarity, personal experience and compassion for parents raising HSCs.

Her intuitive ability to decode misbehavior and her passion for giving a voice to the legitimate needs of children naturally evolved into becoming the co-creator of Leading Edge Parenting and co-author of Authentic Parenting Power and Rico’s Bumpy Week

In this webinar, we discussed:

• How to identify Highly Sensitive Children

• Why do they need “more” from adults 

• How we as parents can provide the help they need

April 2023 Recorded Replays


Getting Your Kids to do chores cheerfully

There are many reasons to give kids chores. Kids like to feel needed and capable.  Chores help with both.  When parents set up chores as “In our family, we help each other,” kids see their work as being an important part of being a member of the family.  Plus, kids like knowing they are able to do things on their own.   

The BEST reason to set up a chore system in your family is that it frees up time for family fun, and parents are less stressed.   I'll show you how to get your kids on board and ready to contribute to the household workload. 

This webinar is best for parents who have kids aged 2-10.

Does My Middle Schooler Have a Learning Disability? If Yes, Then What?

Kristen Nazzaro of Blue Skies ADHD (

is a School Psychologist, Certified Parenting Coach, and ADHD(er) expert. 

As an ADHD Parenting Coach, she helps parents of children with ADHD transform their parenting in a way that supports their child's unique differences and builds the most valuable thing - the parent-child relationship. 

Come listen as we chat about how to navigate the stigma of a learning disability and how it can positively fit in with your child’s school system.

Create a bridge between home and school

What can you do to make your child more successful at school? In an era when teachers are just getting by, it is time for parents to proactively support their children's education. Specifically, we can teach the S.A.F.E. skills that will help keep your children from getting lost in the system.


March 2023 Recorded Replays

How to Support Your Neurodiverse Learner at Home

Brian has a Master's Degree in Social Work and is the father of three boys with Autism and ADHD. After receiving the same diagnosis himself, he went on to write 5 books and become a recognized specialist in the field.

With a unique approach to helping parents and educators connect with their children who live with these unique challenges, Brian's captivating, interactive presentations and programs continue to change lives around the world. His message of self-compassion, resilience, and the importance of working together is one we all need to hear.



With all the pressures of school, activities, and friends, it's not surprising that many teens find thinking about the future to be stressful -- but, it doesn't have to be! In this session, College/Career Strategist and Founder of Hollenback Consulting LLC, Linda J. Hollenback, MSEd, CPRW, will share tips on how to help your teen to become the CEO of their success in school, college, and beyond!

Attendees will learn:

• What it means and how to help your teen become the CEO of their success

• Questions to ask and conversations to have to build your teen's confidence and future readiness

• How relationship building can support career exploration and success

Be the rock your kids can count on

It is through relationships that our children learn how to think, understand, communicate, behave, express emotions, and develop social skills.

Learn how you can strengthen your relationship with your child, by focusing on connection. 


February 2023 Webinars

The Courageous Parent: Dare to Lead Applied to Parenting

As parents, we've been entrusted with the most beautiful gift: the opportunity to help raise confident, wholehearted children. No other group has a greater responsibility. How do we make good on our promise to our children? By focusing on being brave and whole ourselves, so our children can do the same. This webinar is based on Dare to Lead, the New York Times bestselling book by Brené Brown.

Taming Temper Tantrums

There are concrete ways to avoid and reduce even the worst tantrums. 

In this webinar learn how:

• Handling a tantrum with a child under 3 is different from a child over 3.

• What you can do to assure fewer tantrums

• Why time-outs aren’t effective and what is

• Systems and routines can help your kids learn emotional regulation


3 Steps for Effective Listening

Do you want your kids to listen to you? Of course, right?

Do you want your kids to listen the first time you say something? You bet!

Learn the steps to get EVEN YOUR TEENS to listen, so you can stop the nagging, yelling, and threatening to get your kids to listen to you.

For parents of kids ages 9-17

Using Playfulness to Get Your Kids’ Cooperation

Come learn the social, emotional and cognitive benefits of PLAY!

Play is so critical to children’s development. It’s how they learn social cues, how to work together, how to communicate, and self-regulation.

Playing with your children can also build connection which will increase their willingness to cooperate.


January 2023 Webinars

Getting Your Little Kids to Listen

(for parents of kids ages 2-10)

It’s frustrating at best when your kids don’t listen to you and demoralizing at worst. When our kids are not giving us the cooperation we need, we think either that our kids are bad kids or (even more embarrassing) that we are bad parents.

It’s not a question of good and bad. But it can be a question of not having yet learned and mastered the skills that optimize the way our kids show up.

From my deep bag of tricks for getting kids’ cooperation, in this webinar, we’ll focus on 3 of my favorite, most-successful approaches. If you use even one of them, you’ll see improvement. If you use all 3, you’ll find the times your kids aren’t listening to you are the exception, not the rule:


•Engaging kids’ imaginations

•The S-U-S-T-A-I-N-E-D C-O-N-N-E-C-T (the silver bullet if ever there was one!)

I promise you will feel more empowered at the end of the hour with tips you can use today, so bring your questions and let’s get started!


Setting Your Kids Up for Success so You Don’t Need Consequences

Parents say to me, My kids don’t listen or Why don’t my kids just do what I ask them to do when I ask them to do it? Or worse, I am afraid to take my kids out because I can’t trust them to behave.

I hear you! Each of these situations is something we want to solve.

In this webinar you will learn:

• How critical it is that we support our kids with good sleep, exercise, and nutrition

• How clarifying our expectations and connecting them to our values helps to get our kids buy-in

• How using the skill of Anticipation helps us problem-solve with our kids in advance (including what an appropriate consequence will be if needed)

Boosting Teen Self-Esteem within the Home

Teens and tweens today have a constant array of negativity coming at them from many different channels.

But not at home, that is their safe place.

Professional coach and experienced high school educator Renee Sinning from the Teen Esteem Academy coaches and supports parents and families to help improve connection, mindset, and peace within the home. In this webinar, she shared with us tools, skills, and strategies to improve your child’s confidence, feelings of self-esteem, and motivation.

Come learn:

What teens really want from their parents

Daily must-do”s to build connection and self-esteem

Keys to having powerful conversations