Transition to Parenthood ONLINE Workshop (Private)

Transition to Parenthood ONLINE Workshop (Private)


A workshop for NEW and EXPECTANT PARENTS

Birth is finite. Parenting is infinite. What’s your plan?

Is parenting harder today? I think so!

That means it is more necessary than ever that parents are acting as a united team with a clear longterm plan for their family.

Avoid many of the pitfalls new parents face with this thought-provoking 4-hour workshop.

•Examine your own childhood for the hidden lessons you carry with you

•Create a vision of who you want your family to be

•Learn how to back plan so that you are building on your longterm goals at each age and stage of your children’s development

•Anticipate and address the challenges that all new parents face.

•Throughout the workshop we will learn and practice concrete communication skills that will allow you and your partner to talk about even difficult topics in a peaceful and constructive way.

The investment is per couple.

This class is scheduled in a variety of ways:

ONE DAY: Saturday or Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to noon, lunch break, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00.

TWO DAYS ONE WEEKEND: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m Sunday OR the same two consecutive Saturdays or two consecutive Sundays

WEEKDAYS: One hour for four weeks any time between 5:00 and 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time.



This workshop gave a lot of very relevant topics to think about and continue discussing as a family The most thought provoking part was understanding the ideal way to parent and how as a couple you can balance each other so that together you are parenting in the optimal way with the right amount of leniency, rules, structure, attention etc. The most valuable part has been the conversations that we have had as a result of doing this work.

John F, Campbell, CA

My partner and I have a lot of in depth conversations, but it is nice to share it with you there as a guide. That helped me be open to different view. I was little resistant coming in because it can be hard to open up, but it is really good to have a third perspective. [Elisabeth] created very safe space.

Frank V, San Jose, CA

My husband and I are expecting our first child and got so much value from the Transition to Parenthood course with Elisabeth! Working with Elisabeth gave us practical tools for how to intentionally step into parenthood in a way that is aligned with our values as individuals and as a family. The course also sparked important conversations that my husband and I will continue to have in the coming months and years. We feel much more prepared for parenthood and connected to what is important to our growing family after working with Elisabeth!

Hana R, Palo Alto, CA

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